Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Truth Be Told

Truth Be Told

Adam Cohen Releases Album in Canada

Posted: 03 May 2011 04:54 PM PDT

Adam Cohen, son of the legendary Leonard Cohen has officially released an album in Canada. While I haven't gotten my hands on this album, I am very excited for this release. Adam Cohen has a strong voice with influences of jazz. His music has the ability to reach out and grab your heart and twist it. It has that raw potential, it's the music you listen to when you're in love or when you are completely heartbroken.

If you haven't heard any of Adam Cohen's songs you can check out this video below, it's one of the songs I like that is a bit on the slower side but is also romantic.

As for right now, there isn't a set US release date but it would be really cool if they could create one.

Have any of you checked out Adam Cohen's music? What do you think? Do you like him? Were you a fan of Leonard Cohen as well?

I'm hoping for the album to hit US shelves. I would pick it up.

Adam Cohen's "Overrated"

Want to know more about Adam Cohen and his five year journey on creating this album? Watch this video.

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