Thursday, May 19, 2011

How Fewer Blog Comments Equals Opportunity

Posted: 18 May 2011 02:23 PM PDT

Did you know that blog commenting overall has reduced over the last couple of years?

ImageIt’s not that people aren’t talking anymore, it’s just that they have more places to talk, and they don’t have more time, so something has to give. More activity on Facebook, or Twitter = Fewer comments on blogs. Generally speaking.

Did you think it was just you? Maybe people don’t like your writing anymore? Nope. It’s an across the board shift. It’s also an opportunity in disguise.

Fewer Comments Could Mean More Clicks

If you’re like me, you often read the comments when you read a blog post. Especially a post that has particular interest to you. I do, and when I do, I often click through on interesting comments or commenters. Call me nosey.

That’s how information spreads online. That’s the beauty of the community and the beauty of links.

So, if a post had 100 comments, and you left one then using simple math you have 1 in 100 chance of getting a click on that. (not totally true, because the first comments get the most clicks) If a post has 10 comments and you’re one of those, then your chances just went up ten-fold. Right? Sorta?

That’s it. Just thinking out loud. Just thinking that it’s a bigger opportunity than it looks like (maybe than it feels like) to go out there and comment on lots of blogs.

Plus, I’ve been told that bloggers are exceptionally needy emotionally. You’re doing a good thing when you say hello. I’m just sayin’.

~ Kim

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