Thursday, May 12, 2011

Intro To Link Building For Etsy Shop SEO {video}

Posted: 12 May 2011 06:29 AM PDT

Our first etsy shop seo video now has close to 1500 views and we’ve had dozens of viewers share that it was helpful to them! We were so glad to hear that and Tim and I have created a second video on the next most important part of Etsy Shop SEO, which is building links to your shop all over the place online.

This video goes through all of the most important basics of what “good” links are and how you can build them. Just like the first Everything Etsy University Video, this one is about 20 minutes of detailed information that will help you be successful. We’re offering it for free with no strings attached. You don’t even have to give us an email address. But if you want to learn more about success on etsy, sign up to get EverythingEtsy posts by email.

Enjoy the video and feel free to continue the discussion here in the comments section!


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