Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Truth Be Told

Truth Be Told

Wake Unto Me by Lisa Cach

Posted: 30 May 2011 10:59 PM PDT

Written by: Lisa Cach
Published in: March 2011
Published by: Speak
304 Pages
Format: ARC
Source: Author and Publisher For Review
Challenges: The 2011 DAC


Caitlyn Monahan knows she belongs somewhere else. It's what her dead mother's note suggested, and it's what her recurring nightmares allude to. Desperate to flee these terrifying dreams-and her small town-she accepts a spot at a boarding school in France. Only, when she arrives, her nightmares get worse. But then there are her amazing dreams, so vivid and so real, with visits from an alluring, mysterious, and gorgeous Italian boy from the 1500s. Caitlyn knows they are soul mates, but how can she be in love with someone who exists only in her dreams? Then, as her reality and dream world collide, Caitlyn searches for the real reason why she was brought to this school. And what she discovers will change her life forever.

My Review
Wake Unto Me is a completely enticing romantic read that I want to dive into over and over again. I was so swept up into the mystery of the book and the romance that I found myself thinking about it even when I wasn't reading.

I have to give a serious high five to Lisa Cach when it comes to the setting of this book. France is depicted so beautifully it was as if I traveled there while reading the book. I felt myself drawn to the deadly yet mysterious castle. I could imagine my fingers running along the stone walls. There is one scene where the main character is described as being found in a rather nasty situation after a fall and the entire scene was so gruesome to read about. This isn't even depicted in first person either, it is told by someone close to Caitlyn.

Mystery and suspense are at an all-time high in this book. There is a total plot twist that you will not expect at the very end. There is mystery throughout the entire book that will keep you on your toes. I love a good romance book that can also cause me to think. I love the parts where Caitlyn and Raphael work together to try to figure out what is going on in the past. There was a sort of sexual tension (clean read though) mixed in with the fear of what may happen to both of them.

This is also one of those books that has paranormal elements but shouldn't be classified as a paranormal. I liked that it had real life issues, like dealing with death and being "unique" but it also had the elements of magic and supernatural forces.

The ending, wow, the ending had me floored. The last two or three chapters shattered my heart and then mended it back together in a matter of hours. I went from bawling my eyes out to cheering wildly.

All in all, this was a fantastic YA debut from an author who has never written YA. You can definitely see the romance elements slip out, but it is clean and sweet. LOVE. Five lanterns, no question. I'd recommend this to just about anyone who loves a good heartfelt romance. Paranormal elements or not, this book will appeal to just about any reader. There were even bits of action!

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