Monday, May 9, 2011

Craft Studio Love – Cotton Blue

Posted: 08 May 2011 09:46 AM PDT

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You are going to love this dreamy craft room all the way from Japan!  I don't even know how I found Cotton Blue this today, but it made my morning looking at her beautiful photos!

I have a love of all distressed furniture and when you paint it in lovely shades of blue and green my heart goes all pitter patter!

Here's the recipe for a beautiful craft room…

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Start with some amazing fabric all stacked and ready to use…

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Throw in lots and lots of it with ribbon, a dash of lace, and a sprinkle of other fun goodies…

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Add an amazing desk to work at…

And you get this fabulous craft room that's out-of-this-world spectacular!

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You can all stop drooling now and head over to her Etsy shop {currently on vacation…sorry} where you'll find tons of pretty things that you NEED.

Check out more photos from Cotton Blue here.

Don't you find beautiful craft room photos inspiring?  How about photos of craft supplies?


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