Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Truth Be Told

Truth Be Told

The Education of Bet Review and Book Tour

Posted: 23 May 2011 05:19 PM PDT

The Education of Bet

Written by: Lauren Baratz Logsted
Published in: July 2010
Published by: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
186 Pages
Format: Paperback
Source: Book Tour

Bet feels confined by her place—neither family nor servant—in the home of her wealthy benefactor. Will, the boy who's been like a brother to her since they were four, is unhappy with his fate as well. So Bet makes a plan: She'll pretend she's a boy and take Will's place at school.

When she arrives at school, Bet finds boys act rather brutish when they don't think there's a girl in their midst. But brutish Bet can handle it. It's the stirrings of attraction for her roommate that get Bet into real trouble.

My Review
The Education of Bet is a quick but enthralling read that deals with contemporary type issues in a historical setting. This book was sweet with a good message; don't give up on your education.

Bet was absolutely hilarious to read about. She is probably one of my favorite characters to date. The author made it so that she had this very distinctive personality. She was proud but also fearful at the same time. She was humorous but serious. It's hard to describe, you just have to read the book.

I also liked that this book was on the shorter side. Sometimes people feel the need, especially in historical fiction, to add too much detail. AUTHOR made it so the reader had just enough information. It was easy to get drawn in fast.

I enjoyed that the book had an evident message. First there is the whole, "woman can do anything men can do" message, and then there is a "don't give up on school" message. It didn't get preachy at any point but it was nice to see a book spreading a good message as well as telling an interesting story.

I definitely plan on reading more from this author. Her style is distinct and she is very skilled in creating likeable characters.

Overall The Education of Bet earns five lanterns. It's good for younger teens because there isn't much sexual content. It's quick but "plot" packed and very interesting.

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