Saturday, May 7, 2011

Truth Be Told

Truth Be Told

Soundtrack Saturday: Wake Unto Me

Posted: 06 May 2011 09:54 PM PDT

Soundtrack Saturday is back on, now that I have a bit more free time.

Each week there will be a linky posted on this site. This new feature will help other readers find new books and maybe even some awesome music! I hope this is interesting enough to add a post to your weekly schedule while still making it easy to follow along.

  • Write a post that includes a music video or song title that relates to a book you are reading that week, or just finished reading.
  • Include the button image in the post and link back to Truth Be Told so others can participate.
  • Include the book title, author, and synopsis (if possible), so others can hear about the awesome read!
  • Link up your posts!
  • Visit the blogger above you and leave a nice comment.
  • Visit as many other bloggers as you would like to!
 This week, my Soundtrack Saturday is Belle by Jack Johnson.

It totally fits the book I'm reading, Wake Unto Me by Lisa Cach


A haunted castle, a handsome young man dead for four hundred years, one heck of a scary portrait of a witch, and a treasure hunt -- not to mention a princess for a roommate! -- all await 15 year old American girl Caitlyn Monahan when she earns a scholarship to a French boarding school.
There are secrets behind the stone walls of Chateau de la Fortune, buried for centuries along with the mystery of who killed Raphael, the charming ghost who visits Caitlyn at night. But as Caitlyn unearths the history of the castle, nothing scares her as badly as the secret she learns about herself, and the reason she was chosen to come to the Fortune School.

And nothing breaks her heart as badly as falling in love with a dead guy.
Link Up!
If you would like to.

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