Friday, February 4, 2011

Truth Be Told

Truth Be Told

Will Work for Prom Dress by Aimee Ferris: Review

Posted: 03 Feb 2011 10:22 AM PST

Will Work for Prom Dress
Written by: Aimee Ferris
Published on: Febuary 8th 2011
Published by: Egmont USA
272 Pages
Received from Publisher

Quigley Johnson has, reluctantly, given up the rest of her last year of high school to take part in her best friend Ann's Betterment Plan, which will turn them into the best-dressed, most sought-after, most admired girls at their senior formal. Because - hey - who doesn't want the perfect prom, complete with a dream dress and a devastatingly handsome date?
But the prom costs money - lots of money - and even though the girls could easily have Ann's mom design their dresses (she's only Victoria Parisi, one of the most famous designers in the world), Ann insists that they pay their own way. And that's how Quigley gets stuck making artistic topping masterpieces on frozen pizzas canvases, before becoming a live model for Ms. Parisi's fashion design class, where she meets Zander.
He's cute, and cool, and funny, with a killer design sensibility (even if he can't sketch). But is he too good to be true? And what about David, the hot, talented artist at school, who's also kind of a jerk, but won't leave Quigley alone? And Ann - she started the Betterment Plan to improve Quigley and herself, but it seems like it's ripping their friendship to shreds.
This road to the prom dream may just end in disaster.

My Review:
Will Work for Prom Dress was so far one of the easiest, cleanest, and cutest books I've read this month. I really enjoyed how laid back the book was.

The characters in this book were likeable. Quigley, the main character, is kind of your average girl. Quigley doesn't have a model thin body and she doesn't seem to be all too interested in guys, not like her best friend Anne. Now Anne was also fun to read about, but on another level. Anne has her own issues in this book, her constant boy drama, and her issues with her biological father. I could appreciate the way Aimee Ferris was able to make this novel so well rounded. Not only do we see the issues in Quigley's life but we get to see more into Anne's and Zander's as well. Each character has their own bit of history, and information. It almost seemed as if the book was written about the group as a whole no only Quigley's.

I love the references to Art in this book. Even in the first few chapters of the book, Quigley is making art on the frozen pizzas at her first job. The art mentions at the end seem much more serious and in depth, such as the photography details.

This book had some humor to it as well. There is a whole fiasco that erupts in the first few chapters of the book; it involves Elvis' face on a pizza.

The one thing I really noticed about Will Work for Prom Dress in the writing was how put together the story turned out to be. It's hard to describe, but Aimee Ferris, the author, created a story that doesn't really happened, and is kind of hard to follow, however, the way she told the story made you think it happens every day. The history of the characters and their overall actions made it easy to follow and believe.

Overall, I give Will Work for Prom Dress a 4 lantern rating. I really enjoyed the story and in the last half of the book I really couldn't put it down. I did feel that end was cut a bit short, but other than that I thoroughly enjoyed this cute story.

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**Disclosure: I recieved a copy of this book in exchange for this review. These are my honest opinions.**

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