Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Truth Be Told

Truth Be Told

Top Ten Tuesday: Character Names for Children!

Posted: 08 Feb 2011 09:19 PM PST

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme over at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week they feature a theme list and you can post about what your top ten would be for that theme.

This week is 10 Characters you would name your kids after.

The False Princess1. Kiernan from The False Princess. I love strong, and unique names. Kiernan stands out and reminds me of Ireland.

2. Prim from The Hunger Games. Prim is such a dainty and beautiful name.

3. Jace from The City of Series. Although I haven't read the series, I'm kind of in love with the name.

4. Norah, from Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. I love this name, there is something so soothing about it.

5. Eden from a Season of Eden. I really enjoyed the romance in this novel, I actually love the sound of the name and it reminds me of The Garden of Eden.

6. Sydelle, from Brightly Woven. Again, another odd name. It's just unique.

Nightshade: Book 17. Calla from Nightshade, it reminds me of the Calla Lilies and its simple. One syllable.

8. Shay from Nightshade. I love guy names that start with S. Plus Shay sounds Irish and I have a thing for Irish names.

9. Quincie, from Blessed and Tantalize. Quincie is really confident in the book, she stands up for herself and the ones she loves. The name Quincie is also a strong name. If I had another daughter, I would like the name Quincie.

10. Lucinda from Fallen, it seems like such an old fashioned name, but I love the nickname Luce.

That is it for this week. What are some of the names you chose?

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