Monday, February 28, 2011

Truth Be Told

Truth Be Told

1,000 Follower Celebration!

Posted: 27 Feb 2011 11:34 PM PST

I am so excited to finally kick off the 1,000 Follower Giveaway Event!!!

Basically, I will be posting a new giveaway each day. There will be two winners each day, up until the last day. That will be the Grand Prize, so to speak, and it will only be for one winner.

Some giveaways will be open internationally, so read the rules to find out which ones.

Each giveaway will revolve around a theme, the theme will have to do with my blog, or my personal life.

Today's theme is Writing.

If you have been following this blog since November, you may already know how excited I was to complete NaNoWriMo. I am a writer at heart, not just a reader, so completing my first draft of my very first novel was a huge deal. It kind of started a sort of writing frenzy. I am currently working on edits for that first novel and am starting book two, not a sequel, just book number two. Writing is my way of expressing things I can't say in person, or perhaps, expressing other's ideas and opinions.

I hope you enjoy the giveaway, it will be posted later today.

Oh, and I am so close to reaching 1,000 Followers on Twitter, if you are not following Truth Be Told on Twitter yet, be sure to do so by clicking the link.

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