Saturday, February 5, 2011

Libera News for 2011

Aled Jones gave an update on his radio show about Libera! Thank you to Jimmy Riddle on the dreams forum for posting it for us to hear. Click here. In case it gets deleted later, here is what Aled said.

"The choir Libera is evolving. Robert Prizeman, their musical director, has been in touch to say that a new team of 7- and 8-year-olds will be starting with them (ah, bless them), most of whom have not sung before. Indeed, they may not even have any concept of what the whole thing's about. They're in for a shock. But we know that several of them will soon be singing in front of thousands and thousands of people, perhaps in a vast concert hall the other side of the world or maybe a small evening service in South London. They'll each add their special character and talents to the group which is constantly changing and challenging. With several international tours planned for this year, a new album and some new songs on the way already, we at GMS wish them all well."

Everyone who is going to the Epsom concert is so lucky. You'll get to see the little newbies! Take pictures! Take pictures! :) AND A NEW ALBUM! AND NEW SONGS! Woo-hoo! 2011 is going to be a great year! :D 

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