Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Truth Be Told

Truth Be Told

Top Ten Authors Who Deserve More Recognition

Posted: 28 Mar 2011 11:47 PM PDT

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week bloggers link up a post that features their top ten list for a specific theme.

It's easy to join in!

This week's theme is Top Ten Authors Who Deserve More Recognition

Rose Sees Red1.) Cecil Castelluci – I feel like her books don't receive as much recognition as they deserve. Plus I love an author who can write multiple stand-alone novels. Cecil is really sweet as well.

2.) Alexandra Bracken – I have only read her debut novel, Brightly Woven, but I hope she comes out with another great read soon. I fell in love with her descriptive writing.

3.) Cara Chow – Bitter Melon was an amazing debut and a brilliant contemporary story. I feel like this one will be a book that is read in classrooms and is cherished for years to come.

4.) Mindi Scott – I think it really shows a lot about the writer's skill when they can write from a point of view that is almost foreign in books. Mindi wrote from a male perspective and her novel Freefall was really heart wrenching.

Calling For Angels5.) Amy Ferris – I LOVED Will Work for Prom Dress, it was hilarious and I can't wait to read other books from this author.

6.) Alex Smith – She wrote a novel at the age of fourteen. Enough said.

7.) Cheryl Reinfield – Scars was very emotional and definitely showed a side of an issue that is rarely discussed.

8.) Charles Benoit as a YA writer. I think YOU deserves so much more recognition, plus I love the way the novel is written.

Torch Red: Color Me Torn (TrueColors Series #3)9.) Melody Carlson – She has written tons of YA books and Fiction books that have strong Christian morals, but also discuss serious issues. Everyone should read at least one of her books.

I really can't think of any other authors at this moment who deserve more recognition. I feel like some of my favorite authors are downright amazing and already get a lot of recognition.

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