Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Five {Beach Dreamin’}

Posted: 25 Mar 2011 02:02 PM PDT

il_570xN.2259298381.  Mermaid Doll {Fee Vertelaine}


2.  Beach Art by Mayan Art Studio


3.  Beach dress by Aloha Summer {Love it!}


4.  Blue Crab {Destiny's Creations}


5.  Beach Umbrellas by {Cathy's Designs}

This is the time of year around here {Florida} that you hate to stay inside.  There is serious beach dreamin' going on around here and we can't get enough of that sand in our toes!

We're having company this weekend so we'll be cooking out and enjoying the shade of the palms. I hope you have a relaxing weekend planned! 


Make Your Own Business Cards {Creative Marketing}

Posted: 24 Mar 2011 11:56 PM PDT

While looking for a picture to use in a recent post about how to share your etsy shop address, I came across this picture:



At first (and second, and third) glance I thought: nice card. But just another nice card. No big deal really.

Until I clicked through to the source website for the picture, which is a design firm called Flow 14.

It was there that I found out what I was really looking at. The blue part of the card is a sticker!

That is just so cool and creative I had to share it with you. Think of the possibilities!

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