Saturday, March 5, 2011

Truth Be Told

Truth Be Told

Follower Giveaway Day 5! Reading!!!

Posted: 04 Mar 2011 11:50 AM PST

Today's theme is Reading....

Funny story, I don't remember a point in my life when I didn't love reading, frankly, I don't even remember a time when I didn't know how to read. My mother was a stay at home mom my first couple of years, she only went ot school part time. Apparently, she taught me to read before I even entered kindergarten. I believe I knew how to read basic books by the age of 4.

When I hit late high school, I went through a dumb rebellious teen phase. Not horrible, but dumb and I forgot how much I loved reading. So for the longest time I didn't read at all, then suddenly I came across Twilight, because of my younger sister, and I fell in love with it. Then shortly after, I signed up to do reviews on Netgalley for books. Some of my very first reviews were for the Iron Fey Series, another series I soon fell in love with. Eventually, this blogs focus shifted to books, although I still like to do the occasion posts on other things.

So for those high schoolers out there not going through dumb, rebellious teen phases, go you! Keep reading!

Anyways, if you made it through that entire rant, here are the giveaway details.

Two winners, US Only, unless they want to pay for shipping, can win 4 books each from any of these.

There is one catch, if you want Family by Micol Ostow, you must be willing to review it, within say 2 months. How does that sound?

Okay, must follow us via twitter, GFC, facebook, or email.
Then.... FILL OUT THIS FORM (Clickable Link - Click it!)

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