Monday, August 1, 2011

Put a Pinterest Pin Button on Your Blog {simplified and updated}

Put a Pinterest Pin Button on Your Blog {simplified and updated}

Put a Pinterest Pin Button on Your Blog {simplified and updated}

Posted: 01 Aug 2011 11:50 AM PDT

A few weeks back we wrote a post about how to add one of the cool little “pin-it” buttons that encourage your blog readers to pin your images on Pinterest. It was a bit techy and probably more than most of you want to get into.

Well Pinterest must have known that was an issue (or they read your comments!) and they’ve made it much simpler now. {the downside is that it appears to us that the old codes aren’t working properly now}

There is now a form, a picture of which is shown in the screenshot below, that easily creates your “pin-it” button code for you. Then all you have to do is copy the code and put it in your HTML where you want the button to appear. Easy!

Here is the link to the form on Pinterest. Pinterest Button Code Generator

Felt Mermaids

Posted: 01 Aug 2011 09:54 AM PDT

Mermaid pattern 2

This is what I've been working on…felt mermaids!  I'm still finishing up the patterns and they'll be available in my felt shop soon.  Aren't mermaids fun?! 

I have to snap out of my little creative world for a bit and get some real work done…like wash the dishes!

Happy Monday to you all!


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