Friday, August 5, 2011

More Chicago Pictures From Jimmy

After a fun pizza lunch for 12 of us at Gino's East, we all met up again later at Rockefeller Chapel for the concert. Again, Jimmy's pictures are so great. If you copy, please credit him.

Beautiful but hot Rockefeller Chapel at the University of Chicago.

East side lawn with people waiting for carillon concert.

Premium ticket!

Beautiful stained glass.

Organ loft and rear balcony.

Cool picture of Libera's equipment.

More cool lighting effects in a beautiful church.

Standing ovation! :D

Libera walking to their coach.

Mr. Prizeman, Eoghan & Carlos.

Little Matthew Madine is helping carry things! Those
bags say "Treasure Island" which is a local grocery store.

Little ones waving to the fans. :)

Josh helping carry stuff. I like that the big boys help.
And some little ones, too. :D

Dylan & Isaac.

Alex helping out, too! :)

All smiles! :D

Daniel carrying more bags & Ben waving to fans. You
can't see it well, but Jakob has his bag strapped across his head
like a headband. And is Henry reading while walking?! Wow!  

You all sang so well! :D

Kavana waving!!! :D

Ralph talking to fans!
Thanks for a great concert, Libera! :D

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