Libera posted tons of pictures from their US Tour here, but I had my first day of school yesterday, so I had no time til now to write about them. They're awesome!!! Since I went to most of the concerts, I'm going to play a little game called "Guess Where This Picture Was Taken." You can write to me if you think I got it all wrong. :)
So here's the pictures, but in date order. I think.
1. Medium Ben (Big Benedict, not-so-Mini Ben) I'm guessing this is at the airport.
32. Cute picture of Dylan with a cool drink. But he has his big jacket on. Did he just get off the plane? Hmmm.
2. Matt on a paddleboat on the Mississippi River, St. Paul. It just begs me to put up the picture of Josh from last summer for comparison.
Josh with the same cowboy hat from Ft. Worth. :D
14. Jude with the longest...what on earth is that?! his mouth. lol. Looks like the same paddle boat ride.
25. Love this picture of Kavana! Is that the Mighty Mississippi behind him?
31. Coolest picture of Sam on the Mississippi paddle boat!
3. The boys looking at sheet music, possibly music for Sunday morning church service at Cathedral of St. Paul. I think it's St. Paul, because the next picture is definitely outside the Cathedral.
19. Haha! Alex has the patience of Job while Barney, Luke and Jakob goof off and Ralph...gets a nap in? He looks so peaceful. :D
30. Boys walking in front of Cathedral of St. Paul.
4. Continuing the hilarity, Ralph eats with cool green glasses on. Lunch at the Starkey Gala in St. Paul.
5. Singing at the Starkey Gala in St. Paul.
6. And look who made sure to charm Miley Cyrus! :D
49. Nice posed picture with Miley Cyrus at Starkey Gala.
8. It's the ba-nah-nah boat!!! :D Eoghan, Dylan, Jude, Isaac, Kavana and Barney at Madden's Resort on Gull Lake, Minnesota.
9. And there they go! Looks like there's 3 more on there. Maybe Michael or Tom, Nano Ben and someone with dark hair. I don't think this is the infamous trip when Ralph got his awesome bloody nose.
11. MJ with a green, Gull Lake seaweed wig. hehe
7. I have no idea where this is. Minnesota maybe? But I want to see the picture Josh took of everyone being blown by the fan! lol.
12. Again, no idea where this is, but it's with the Minnesota pics. Nice hat on Mr. Prizeman! And I notice Ben is making a no-socks fashion statement. :)
15. Sammy reading before the Moody Church service, Chicago.
21. Orlando and more of the boys before Moody Church service, Chicago.
23. Walking down a hall. Moody Church, Chicago.
18. Astronaut Jude at Chicago Museum of Science & Industry.
27. Eoghan, Nano Ben, Henry, Freddie, Matthew and Sammy with a John Deere tractor in farm section at Museum of S&I. You can also virtual drive a combine. :)
20. Cassius - ride 'em "cow" boy! Museum of S&I.
26. Barney in the mirror maze. Museum of S&I.
28. MJ and Cassius in the circus section. Museum of S&I. Why am I not surprised there are no big boys in this picture? lol.
53. Awesome group picture on Chicago's Michigan Avenue! That's a gigantic Marilyn Monroe statue behind them. It's there until Spring 2012.
24. Cassius with the sun shining on his golden hair. :) Chicago River cruise going under the LaSalle Street bridge (they're really all drawbridges).
17. Yet another pair of funky sunglasses! Barney on the Chicago River. The tall, pretty silver building is Trump Tower. In April, Yuki and Mummy-san stayed at the hotel on the right side!
36. Love this picture! Eoghan, Josh, Alex, Liam and Daniel out on Lake Michigan with the skyline behind them. Looks like they just passed Navy Pier. That's the Hancock Building behind Daniel.
10. And Barney getting off the boat cruise.
52. Liam feeding goats at Grant's Farm in St. Louis. This was also in their blog.
50. Beautiful picture of concert in Cathedral Basilica, St. Louis.
51. St. Louis concert. I can see my mom and Yuki! My mom is wearing Cassius's "beautiful dress." lol.
33. Michael, Ralph, Sam and Dylan at the St. Louis Meet & Greet.
40. Isaac on the bus.
41. Nano Ben on the bus. I love his stickers! :D
42. Ralph by a pool maybe. It could be Madden's, because there's wooded areas pictured on the monitors. But it may be that great hotel they stayed at in Dallas with the "sporting areas of joy." :)
45. Nano Ben getting his vitamin C! I'm pretty sure this is Frisco.
34. Ralph's awesome Libera cookie. I'm guessing Frisco. ???
37. Darling picture of Isaac and Ralph at the Frisco Meet & Greet.
39. Matt and Eoghan at the Frisco Meet & Greet. I wonder if Tiarnan took this picture.
44. Rebecca's sign at Houston! :D
16. Big Ben and Medium Ben at Houston.
29. MJ reading at Houston.
43. Barney and Orlando before Houston concert. They eat with their coats on backwards to keep their white robes clean.
46. Sammy and Tiarnan, Houston.
47. Carlos, Kavana and Daniel in Houston. That must be one riveting book! :)
22. LOVE this picture of "Lamentione" at Houston!!!!
48. It's the picture I've been hoping for! Cool black and white of "Ave Verum" in Houston. Thank you, Libera! :D
And the ones I have NO idea on.
13. Cute picture of Jakob, Ben and Carlos by a playground. ???
35. Cute picture of Michael, Nano Ben and Isaac. Where is this??!
38. Eoghan eating a good 'ol American hotdog. :D
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