Friday, January 14, 2011

It’s The Extra That Gets The Referral

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 06:20 AM PST

When I buy something online I usually know what I’m going to get. When I get it, I’m not surprised. It’s what I bought.

But when I get more, I’m surprised. That little bit extra might be a beautiful package, it might be a phone call making sure I was satisfied with my purchase and offering a free shipping coupon code for my next purchase, it might be a little “freebie” thrown in with my order.

The words that matter are: extra and free.

I didn’t expect it. I didn’t pay for it. I’m just totally thrilled with it!

Getting what I paid for isn’t going to get me to think about that seller very much. I won’t think badly about them, but I won’t really think especially great about them either. I just won’t think of them. No offense.

The extra, however, will make me think about them. And think about them again. And, when I have an opportunity to buy from them again, I will. And I’ll tell others to buy from them as well.

Next time you make a sale… think: Where is the extra? Start including it and you’ll start to see results soon enough.

Do you do add something special to your orders?  Care to share a tip you’ve learned? I love to hear from you!

~ Kim

*Beautiful handmade tags by Sweet Findings

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