Monday, January 3, 2011

Three Months Advertising for $30.00 – Special Coming Soon!

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 08:56 AM PST

ad announcement

Just a quick announcement to let you know that the current three month ad special box on the right of the page is coming to a close soon.

The ad spaces will be available for purchase on Wednesday afternoon. (We’re on Eastern Standard Time)

There are only twenty spaces available and they sell fast, so get your 100×100 pixel ad ready to go and come back Wednesday afternoon.  If you need your ad designed, we will have an option available that includes ad design.

We’ll also be announcing some specials on larger ads for the new year at that time. It’s going to be a great year for selling on Etsy and we work hard to help all of our advertisers succeed!

We will send out an email announcement on Wednesday when the ads are available. To be included in that email, please use the form below:

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