Friday, September 2, 2011

Truth Be Told

Truth Be Told

Tour Guest Post from Author of Witch Eyes Scott Tracey

Posted: 01 Sep 2011 10:19 PM PDT

I asked Scott Tracey a question related to his book and asked for him to write a guest post about it. Question: If you had the ability to see the world as it "truly is", how do you think you would react? Much like your character? Would it be gruesome to deal with?

In WITCH EYES, Braden has the ability to see the world as it "really" is. His eyes aren't limited to what normal people can see - he can see shades of green that only certain animals can see, he can see across long distances without moving - but he also sees deeper than that. Everything that happens in this world leaves a mark, Braden sees all of those marks at once. The history of places, the memories associated there, the tang of strong emotions burnt into the ground, and the taste of magic still in the air. It's a power that works on people, too. He can see when someone's lying, what they're really like underneath the airs and behaviors that most people hide behind.

The problem with this power, of course, is that it's killing him slowly. His mind can't keep up with what he sees - there's too much information being downloaded every second. It starts with headaches and nosebleeds, and the longer that he exposes himself, it worsens into migraines that pills barely touch, and eventually will knock him unconscious (when the brain simply can't deal anymore). Pushing himself too hard, or too fast, could lead to death.

It's a temptation. Just think about what you could do with it. You could use the power of the witch eyes to solve crimes, to settle arguments, to learn secrets that no one living remembers. You could research historical figures and find out what they were really like, with firsthand experience. Anything you want to know, right there at your fingertips...or eye sockets, but that's kind of a gross visual, isn't it?

You could always know what someone thought about you, but let's face it, knowing what people really think is ALWAYS a bad idea. Most of us don't share all our thoughts for a reason. But at the same time, you'd know exactly who you could trust, all the time. You'd never have to go out with the wrong person, because you'd know right away if they are the type to lie, to cheat, or to hurt you.

So what if it kills you? Wouldn't you rather know? I think I would. And every time I used it, it'd knock some time off my life expectancy. It's like smoking a cigarette. A supernatural cigarette full of knowledge and truth. Plus there's the headaches, the nosebleeds, the migraines and all the other stuff. Thirty seconds of peeking around for information, and then you're bedridden for the rest of the day? That doesn't sound like a good deal to me. I settle for being ignorant. I'm much happier that way.

Thank you so much for joining us and writing this very in depth post.

PS: This was originally posted a few days ago but it was accidently deleted in a fit of blogger rage. I reposted it in case any of my readers missed out on it.

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