Tuesday, September 20, 2011

{BLOG} – Setting Up Your WordPress Blog on Your Domain – Video

{BLOG} – Setting Up Your WordPress Blog on Your Domain – Video

{BLOG} – Setting Up Your WordPress Blog on Your Domain – Video

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 06:45 PM PDT

This is the second post in our ten week Multimedia post series on the power of blogging for success selling online. The series is called “Blogging Leads to Online Greatness“, or B.L.O.G. for short!

Greatness may be a bit much, but other “G” words didn’t sound as nice. Goodness? Glory? And hey, I think blogging is great and you really can do wonders for your success online if you stick with a plan for your blog.

I’m a believer in having a WordPress Blog on your own domain. If you look around at the largest and most fun blogs online, you’ll see that the vast majority are on their own domain (such as EverythingEtsy.com) and that most run on WordPress.

So the first step is getting an actual blog up and running, and that’s what this video is all about. I lucked out with just a little intro and closing role, while Tim gets to go through the techy details with you.

You’ll see that it’s not hard and Tim (my husband and cohort) does the whole thing in the video, from selecting a domain name, to having WordPress up and running, in less than 15 minutes!

Setting Up Your WordPress Blog on Your Domain

In the video, Tim mentions including more information here in the post. It’s coming! We’ve run into a few delays today and are barely getting this published in time to meet our posted schedule.

Help us know what kind of additional information might be helpful to you by leaving us a comment right here with your question or thoughts. We hope you enjoyed the video.

If you already have a blog and aren’t looking to do the whole WordPress thing right now, you still want to see the rest of this series. Here is the whole schedule…

Posts In The {BLOG} Series:

September 12th – Blogging Leads to Online Greatness! {audio}
September 19th – Setting Up Your WordPress Blog on Your Domain {video}
September 26th – Make It Your House – Themes, Styles, and Plugins for WordPress {video}
October 3rd – Content is King – 10 Secrets of Great Blog Content
October 10th – Using Social Media to Support Your Blog {audio}
October 17th – Using Your Blog to Promote Your Etsy Shop
October 24th – Using SEO to Build Your Blog and Business {video}
October 31st – How and When to Make Money from Your Blog
November 7th – Must Have WordPress Plugins for Etsy Sellers
November 14th – Planning For Greatness – Tips For Advanced Blogging and Selling Online {audio}

To take advantage of this series, sign up here to get EverythingEtsy.com emailed to you once daily.  The post title is in the subject line, so you will immediately know which post is of interest to you (and not waste your time with those that aren't).

Enter your email address:

And while you’re here, let me wish you a great week!


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