Monday, September 12, 2011

How I Use Twitter {Etsy Business}

How I Use Twitter {Etsy Business}

How I Use Twitter {Etsy Business}

Posted: 12 Sep 2011 07:15 AM PDT

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Twitter is a valuable marketing tool that's FREE!

Over the last couple of years I've become quite comfortable with using Twitter to promote my Etsy shops and blogs, but it wasn't an easy thing for me in the beginning.  It was a bit out of my comfort zone and I felt out of place during each of my first 50 tweets.

Now, I have about 14,000 Twitter followers and I actually enjoy tweeting! 

I'll just tell you how I use Twitter on a regular basis and maybe you'll find a tip or two to help you with your Etsy business.

I use Hootsuite because it really helps me to keep up with great tweeters and find information I would have missed.  You can set up columns to watch certain groups of friends or keywords on subjects you're interested in…like "Etsy" for example. 

This has also helped me with the amount of time I spend on Twitter…we all know how valuable our time is with running an Etsy shop.  Any social media can really eat up time if you don't have a few guidelines.

I usually check my tweets in the morning, around lunch, and in the evening.  When I'm really movin' and shakin' I set up tweets to post throughout the day. I highly recommend that!

I tweet about cool things I've read on blogs, retweet others, tweet about new blog posts, items in my shops, sales and a bit about what I'm working on or eating…lol!

I've met some fabulous people on Twitter!  Over time I've found out who tweets the coolest stuff and the latest information, and who's really helpful in spreading the word when I have something to share.

One common mistake I see is Etsy shop owners only tweeting about the items in their shop…constantly.  You have to mix it up a bit or people will kinda zone out to your tweets and they won't be that effective in promoting your business.

The best advice I can give is to only tweet 1 time to promote yourself to every 10 tweets that are helpful to someone or sharing great information.

Using Twitter the right way won't take up too much time and your contacts will be worth the effort…who couldn't use a little free promotion?!

You might be interested in reading Using Twitter For An Etsy Business.

If you have any Twitter tips to share or questions that I might be able to help you with, just leave it in the comments. 

You can always tweet with me by following @EverythingEtsy on Twitter. :)  


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