Today is the BBC 50th Anniversary concert! I wrote details about it before here. Our friends Yuki, Momo, Fan de LoK, John, Yorkie and Michael went to the concert also!
Yuki wrote a great review of it here. She has excellent pictures, too! This is my favorite.
There were 27 boys + 4 former. It looks like -
Back - Steven Geraghty, Sam Coates, Sam Abouelfaid, Jonathan, Sam, Liam, Sammy, Tiarnan and Simon Lewis.
Middle - Josh, Ben, Kavana, Isaac, Orlando, Jakob, Daniel, Nano Ben, ?, Matthew J., and Henry.
Front - Alex, Luke, Tom, Barney, Carlos, Michael, Ralph, Matt M., Eoghan, Cassius, Matthew R-A.
Fan de LoK said that it was a great and pleasant evening. Andrea Bocelli has a magnificent voice, as does Katherine Jenkins. Libera sang with the other choirs in one large Stage Choir. There were 25 boys in their white robes. Jonathan Barrington was there, but James Mordaunt was not. He thinks Libera will be on TV several times, because they had the cameras on them quite often. Libera was by far the choir having the youngest choristers. The show was not a "concert-like event" but a "recording event." The main purpose was to record the TV special that will be aired next week, so some songs were redone 2 or 3 times to correct technical issues or to motivate the public to sing with more energy. I sure hope we get to see it somehow here in America! :)
Yuki posted a picture of her program which shows that Libera was part of the Stage Choir as was Fuchsia (Sam Coates's a cappella group).
These are Fan de LoK's 2 pictures of his program. He said the rest of the program is the score of the songs.
Yuki took this picture of what Alexandra Palace looked like right before the concert started! Wow! There are 7,000 people there! :D
These are Fan de LoK's pictures of the stage when he first got there, the full audience and the stage before it started. There are choir lofts up and to the left and right. You can see some of the Libera boys in their white robes in the front of the right choir loft.
Fan de LoK's last picture is when Libera was ready to leave their seats at the end. The taller boys were more easy to recognize : Jonathan, Sam, Liam, Sammy, Tiarnan were the 5 seated on the third row with Steven Geraghty and Sam Coates to their left and Simon Lewis to their right. Below them were two rows of ten, starting on the left with Josh and Ben, and then the sizes were decreasing. I recognize Jakob and Daniel for sure!
Thank you Fan de LoK and Yuki for all the information! :D
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