Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Only Stats That Matter

The Only Stats That Matter

The Only Stats That Matter

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 08:35 AM PDT

Funky Young People

"Do you look at your online stats more than once a day?  If so, you may be a candidate for a free medical trial going on now… just call…"

Ha!  That's so funny. I crack myself up.  It's so true that most of us check our stats way too often.  When we were working on the list of subjects to include in our ongoing ten week post, video, and audio series on blogging for success on Etsy (see the first post here), we wondered if we were leaving out a huge component by not talking about stats.

Stats are important, no doubt, but what we realized is that they really don't matter that much.  They don't impact the course of action.  If the stats stink, you still follow the plan.  That's the only way the stats will ever get better!

If you're looking at your Etsy Shop and your blog as a business, the only stats that really matter have dollar signs in front of them.  How much money are you making?  How much money is something (like an ad) costing you?

If you're like me, however, your blog isn't only about business.  I wish I could look at it more businesslike, but I can't.  Maybe I should join the study group…

I care about my stats because they give me some validation for my time, my effort, and the "me" I put into what I do, which is a ton!  So when I see good traffic numbers, high comment counts, or lots of social action on something I've done, it makes me happy.

But it's dangerous!  Because when things are not so great, it makes me sad!

Just remember to keep it all in proper perspective.  Even if I write a post with no comments, I still have a life full of family and friends who love me and are right in front of my face!

They are not statistics, and they matter more than anything!

My family rocks!

I have a sweet husband that's super helpful and two growing boys.  Oh, and two dogs {Shar-peis}, a hedgehog, two tortoises and a gecko.  Wanna share about your family?  Do you have lots of pets…maybe a chicken?  We used to have about 25 chickens…lol!  I can't wait to read your comments!


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