Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Truth Be Told

Truth Be Told

Guest Post by Author Kody Keplinger

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 10:17 AM PDT

Today we are featuring a guest post from author Kody Keplinger. Kody's second book has just been released, Shut Out is awesome!

I am so excited to hear about Kody's current book picks, and what her library is like right now.

I read more at twenty than I did even as a kid, and I am still reading the same genre – young adult. I love teens. I loved being a teen. And I love books about teens. And while my taste has changed some, that aspect hasn't. Not at all.

Right now, I'm reading a nice mix of subgenres. I'm loving contemporary (obviously!), but I also adore urban fantasy and dystopian. I think if you looked at my bookshelf you'd notice a trend – contemporary and fantasy YA plus a few random historical romances thrown in there for good measure. Hey, half the time the characters in those are teens or young adults!

Here are four recommendations in different genres for books I've read in the past year and absolutely loved.

Ballads of Suburbia by Stephanie Kuehnert - One of the best contemporary YA novels I've ever read. It's dark, edgy, and full of nineties music and other awesomeness. It just stole my heart from page one and I still tear up when I think about it.

Divergent by Veronica Roth – This is a new dystopian that blew me away. I read it with my Mom, actually, and we both adored it. Mom even cried a few times. It's violent, intense, and action-packed. LOVE this book. So much.

Bloodlines by Richelle Mead – This is the spinoff to my favorite urban fantasy series, Vampire Academy. It features my favorite fantasy character of, like, ever – Adrian!!! This was a great book I think I'll be rereading a few times before the sequel comes out.

The Hathaways series by Lisa Kleypas – On top of YA, I also love historical romance, and this series about a quirky family in the 1800s had me laughing and crying at different points. Each book follows one of the siblings through a romance, but the rest of the family appears throughout. I loved them all so much I couldn't pick just one. PLEASE read these. The romances are wonderful, but the characters are what really make the books shine.

And that's my current library! What is yours like?

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