Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Blogging Leads to Online Greatness {B.L.O.G.} – New 10 Post Series

Blogging Leads to Online Greatness {B.L.O.G.} – New 10 Post Series

Blogging Leads to Online Greatness {B.L.O.G.} – New 10 Post Series

Posted: 12 Sep 2011 04:46 PM PDT

See below for an Audio Podcast with Kim & Tim!

How many Etsy shops turn into long-term successes? What percentage of people who start selling on Etsy with big dreams end-up watching that dream fade away?  It's probably pretty high.

What about you? Do you want to actually see those dreams come to fruition?  Do you want to actually experience the feeling of waking up in the morning and seeing that you had a dozen sales while you slept?  Do you want to see your work printed on the page of a magazine one day?  If you do, our upcoming post series will  help you tremendously!

To Succeed Online, You MUST Have a Blog!

I'm not a big fan of statements that include "You must" or "You can't".  I'm kind of a brat that way.  But this is the truth.  Your blog will eventually be a key component to your success online.

So we've prepared a series of ten posts on everything you need to know about the essentials of blogging for success on Etsy.  If you're ready to rock your blog, follow along with us as we share the most important things we've learned after three years, thousands of posts, and millions of visitors.

Posts In The {BLOG} Series:

September 12thBlogging Leads to Online Greatness! {audio}
September 19thSetting Up Your WordPress Blog on Your Domain {video}
September 26thMake It Your House – Themes, Styles, and Plugins for WordPress {video}
October 3rdContent is King – 10 Secrets of Great Blog Content
October 10thUsing Social Media to Support Your Blog {audio}
October 17thUsing Your Blog to Promote Your Etsy Shop
October 24thUsing SEO to Build Your Blog and Business {video}
October 31stHow and When to Make Money from Your Blog
November 7thMust Have WordPress Plugins for Etsy Sellers
November 14thPlanning For Greatness – Tips For Advanced Blogging and Selling Online {audio}

Blogging Leads to Online Greatness

We're not talking history book greatness here.  We're talking about reaching a point where you feel successful with your efforts on the Internet.  Working through, past, over, and around the points (and they are many) when you want to quit.

For me, overcoming the temptation to surrender is greatness.

Follow along with us in this series.  We're pulling out all the stops and including videos, audio, infographics, the works!  All completely for free as one way of helping you reach your own personal greatness.

To take advantage of this series, sign up here to get EverythingEtsy.com emailed to you once daily.  The post title is in the subject line, so you will immediately know which post is of interest to you (and not waste your time with those that aren't).

Enter your email address:

Our First Podcast!

As an intro to this series, Tim and I have recorded our first audio podcast!  We’ve done an interview format with Tim interviewing me on my experiences with blogging and more.  A few highlights…

  • How I got started on Etsy
  • How we got into blogging
  • Why blogging is important for success online
  • What challenges I’ve had to overcome
  • What I would do differently if starting today

You can just hit the play button and it should play right from this page, or use the links below the player.

Since this is our first podcast, we weren’t really sure what the best length was.  We were shooting for thirty minutes and went a little long (Tim’s fault!).  You can use the download link if you want to download the audio file for listening later if you like.

As always, I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments!


We mentioned a couple of recommended services in the podcast. If you decide to purchase them, we’d really appreciate you clicking through our affiliate links! Every little bit helps! For hosting, we love Bluehost and for email marketing, our favorite overall is iContact. These links won’t cost you a penny more and we’ll get an affiliate commission. Thanks!

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

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