Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Pipsqueak and Petunia, My Dog & A Pet Lover Giveaway

Pipsqueak and Petunia, My Dog & A Pet Lover Giveaway

Pipsqueak and Petunia, My Dog & A Pet Lover Giveaway

Posted: 14 Jun 2011 06:45 AM PDT

buttercup on dock 1

Meet Miss Buttercup

She is modeling a lovely collar handmade by Pipsqueak and Petunia! Buttercup walked the runway {our dock} yesterday showing off her beautiful collar in a fashionable rainbow of colors.  She stopped for a moment for photos from her fans before retiring to her suite for a cool drink and afternoon nap.  With the temperatures rising, the heat seemed to be getting to her but Buttercup never disappoints her fans. {Yes, we are crazy dog people!}

We have two Shar-peis that are spoiled with hugs and treats all day long.  If you're a dog lover, you can read more about Buttercup and her amazing recovery from an accident on our family blog, Forever Wherever.  You'll see why she gets spoiled even more now!

Here's a closer look at one of the beautiful collars from Kelsey.  They fit just right and the quality is excellent…handmade collars are the cat's meow rock!

dog collar 1

Let me introduce you to Kelsey from Pipsqueak and Petunia…

Tell us a bit about yourself

I’m Kelsey Golden and I run this fun business called Pipsqueak and Petunia, a line of handmade pet beds and accessories. I live just a couple of blocks from the ocean in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina with my husband, our two cats, Truffle and Marzipan, and our dog, Bertie Bott. I have always loved animals and I am passionate about color and design, so starting a business that combined the two was a natural fit for me!


What inspires you?

So many things! The creativity of others, great music, travel. I’ve spent quite a bit of time in Asia over the past couple of years and I always come home inspired by a new culture. I’m currently having a love affair with India after visiting earlier this year. I also love looking through Flickr, Etsy, or Pinterest just to see all the amazing things creative people come up with! It may not directly inspire something I make, but it always renews my enthusiasm and gives me great ideas.

What’s the best thing about where you live?

We have a great little art museum in Myrtle Beach that I love to visit. There are only spaces for two or three exhibits at a time, but it is so well curated. You can really tell there’s a lot of love that goes into running the museum! My favorite exhibit was definitely the Quilts of Gees Bend. It was incredible! We also have a minor league baseball team here that I love to go watch. That’s my other favorite place in Myrtle Beach! Watching baseball is what I love to do when I need to recharge.


What’s on your playlist?  Any favorite songs you listen to over and over?

Music is such a huge love for me. I love to sing and I’m always so much more motivated when I have something great playing! Neko Case, Ryan Adams, Mike Doughty, and Kay Hanley are what I’m most often listening to. I’ve also been listening to a lot of Ingrid Michaelson and Regina Spektor lately. Hotel Song by Regina Spektor is the one I can’t get enough of lately!

Where can we find you?

Etsy shop l Blog l Twitter l Facebook


Kelsey creates colorful collars and fluffy beds from the latest fabrics.  It's fun to get to know a bit more about the talented people behind the Etsy shop. {Handmade rules…big pet stores drool!…too much coffee this morning?!}  She’s so sweet that she's giving one Everything Etsy reader a handmade collar of their choice!

Here's how to win one of these fabulous collars from Pipsqueak and Petunia …

  • Visit Pipsqueak and Petunia and let me know about your favorite collar or bed in a comment. {1 entry}
  • Spread the word of this giveaway by Twitter, Facebook or blog post {1 entry each}
  • Keep up with the latest new styles by joining Pipsqueak and Petunia on Facebook. {1 entry}
  • Tell me about a favorite pet you have or had as a child for an extra entry.  This sounds fun! {1 entry}
  • If you subscribe to Everything Etsy by email or reader…thanks!  {1 extra entry}

This giveaway ends June 20th at midnight.  Please leave a separate comment for each entry.

Good Luck!


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