Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Truth Be Told

Truth Be Told

Music on Mondays: Ringo Deathstarr

Posted: 27 Jun 2011 01:06 PM PDT

I am in love with this band.

Ringo Deathstarr is seriously amazing. My little goosebear, as I like to call her, is also quite fond of this band. So much so that if she sees my Ipod she yells RINGO DEATHSTARR really loud until I play this song. She is only two so it comes out sounding something like this: Reego Deathsharr.

Anyways, in honor of my little goosebear, also known as The Nugget of Doom, this is our Music on Monday.

Edit. I was going to play "Weekend Dudes" her favorite song, but I can't find it so you will get to hear "So High", because I love it as well.


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