Tuesday, April 12, 2011



Pallets – Upcycled Etsy Finds

Posted: 12 Apr 2011 06:52 AM PDT

Pallets are so popular these days and it seems like I find some new creation made from them daily.  I love the idea of taking what others might consider trash and turning it into something beautiful! 

Take a look at a few upcycled Etsy finds created from a love of pallets…


This sweet little sign would look great in my kitchen.  Make Me That has a bunch of designs to decorate your home.


Display your photos or hang your jewelry on this unique display board.  I want a few of them!


If you are looking for beachy home decor, you won't want to miss the fun art at Fish Shack Design

ScreenHunter_09 Apr. 12 08.49

Pallet Hunters has a great selection of upcycled furniture for inside and out!  This chair is fabulous!


Can you tell that these bangle bracelets are all made from pallets??  Very cool!


My Remodeling Guy made me these chalkboards from pallets and other wood scraps.  Some of you might know that my husband has a blog all about house stuff and he helps me out with some of my projects…love that! 

What kind of projects have you seen with pallets?


P.S.  If you can't get enough of pallets, visit my Pinterest board full of stunning pallet ideas from all around the web.  You won't believe how cool some of them look now!

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