Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Truth Be Told

Truth Be Told

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Characters I'd Like to Bi*** Slap

Posted: 26 Apr 2011 09:50 AM PDT

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and Bookish. Each week they post a topic and bloggers are invited to post their top ten list for the week.

This week's theme is Top Ten Female Characters I'd Like to Bi*** Slap.

FallenHere is my list.

1.) Molly from Fallen. What is it with this girl? Seriously she is downright evil. That one scene in Fallen when she fights Luc makes me want to kick her.

2.) Tamra from Firelight. I understand she went through the whole, "I'm not a Draki" phase, but she seemed to just be totally against her sister. Why can't there be some kind of compromise? Why can't Jacinda and Tamra both be happy?

The Ivy3.) Alexis from The Ivy Series. She will do anything (Not in a good way) to get ahead at The Ivy. This girl is horrendous. I hate her, I want to kick her in the shins. Read the book, you will understand. She is a very well thought out nemesis.
4.) Trish from Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. She's got a good heart, somewhere deep down under that crazy clothes and makeup, but for now, she's on my bad side. Who could break Nick's heart like that?

5.) Blair from Gossip Girl. Okay, I'll admit, I haven't read the series. Blair is still a bi*** though. I love her, and I think she is loving underneath it all, but she is pretty rude.

Tell Me a Secret6.) Delaney from Tell Me a Secret. She is just that typical girl from High School, she is a backstabber, a gossiper, and she will try to take your boyfriend. She deserves a freaking punch.

7.) Rosalie from Twilight. Although you eventually find out her motivations, I think Rosalie is superbly rude in Twilight and New Moon.

8.) Sam from Before I Fall, although I haven't finished the book, so we'll see.

9.) I totally cannot think of anymore.

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