Friday, April 8, 2011

My Little Chickadee {Friday Five}

Posted: 08 Apr 2011 07:03 AM PDT


1.  Yellow Cherry Blossoms and Chickadee {karingrow}


2.  Easter Baby Chicks {Sabahnur}


3. Spring Chick {Fully Fleeced Ewe}


4.  Chick Cookies {Clara's Cookies}


5. Sweet Baby Shoes {Tiny Toes Shop}

I have a bit of Spring Fever around here and it's hard for me to focus!  I'm in the mood to work outside in the garden or plant a few new flowers.  Our town is full of activities this weekend and we always enjoy a walk to the Farmer's market.  Do you have any plans this weekend? 


Button Bracelet Tutorial for Spring!

Posted: 07 Apr 2011 07:09 AM PDT

Post image for Button Bracelet Tutorial for Spring!

button bracelet

Add a little Spring to your day with this fun button bracelet! Wouldn’t it make a sweet Easter gift?

I know some of you have a ton of buttons already, and it’s a quick project. Let’s get started!

button bracelet supplies

All you need is elastic, lots of buttons, and your choice of embroidery thread. The largest button I used are about 1″ and the elastic is about 7/8″ wide.

My Mom gave me this wonderful box of buttons! Aren’t they beautiful in their little box?? This is my kind of gift, and I love just looking at them!

button bracelet 1

I cut the elastic to about 8 inches, but don’t worry too much about the length now. Just make sure you have more than you need by measuring around your wrist.

This project won’t take you longer than it takes to drink a cup of coffee or tea, so why not do both!

I decided to use two small buttons for my first row. And a large button for the second layer that overlaps a bit. button bracelet 2

These buttons cover up the elastic well, and I’m still able to sew them next to each other nice and straight.

Once I secured the first two buttons I tied a knot. I don’t want to sew them all on with one continuous thread because it won’t stretch right. So, I’m going to make little rows.

button bracelet 3

The second row is a large button with a smaller button on top. I started at the top and finished at the top. I left the thread long because I’m tying a knot on top of the larger buttons.

button bracelet 4

Then, I just repeated the first step placing the smaller buttons slightly under the large one. You can mix the colors up or make a pattern.

All white or antique buttons would make a beautiful bracelet!

button bracelet 5

I’m moving along now, and I’m almost halfway through. And I still have coffee!

button bracelet 6

Here’s what it looks like on the back. It’s not a beautiful photo, but you can see how there are little rows. I would choose white elastic if I did this again, but this one is fine.

Once you’re finished, measure again on your wrist and cut it to size. Then just sew them together, and you have a Spring Button Bracelet!

button bracelet 8

All done! I might have to make mine a bit smaller, but it’ll be a fun little bracelet to wear!

It would be a great project to do with your children or grandchildren. It only took about 30 minutes, and I really wasn’t in a hurry.

I hope you are enjoying beautiful Spring weather in your neck of the woods. Have a great weekend!


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