Friday, April 29, 2011

Truth Be Told

Truth Be Told

Book to Movie News: The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Posted: 28 Apr 2011 01:42 PM PDT

Okay, so I think I made it quite clear that I am more than obsessed with the book, The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. When I won the copy of the book I was very excited to learn that it is actually in the process of being made into a movie. I believe filming will begin in the summer of this year. I do however, already know about some of the amazing people that have been cast for some major roles.

Logan Lerman (Percy Jackson) will be playing Charlie, the character who writes the letters. This absolutely makes me estatic. I totally pictured Charlie to have that innocent but wise look about him. I think Logan will make an absolutely outstanding Charlie. I think he's also a stunning actor.

Now, a bigger and also kind of surprising cast choice, Emma Watson will be playing Sam. I didn't picture her exactly, but she is a brilliant actress, so I know she'll rock that role.

The really exciting thing about this movie has more to do with the author. Stephen Chbosky was a screen writer before actually writing the movie, so he will be writing the screenplay for this book. Not only that, he will also be the director. Sounds like a lot of work, but I'm sure it will be an amazing movie.

One rumored casting, though I don't know for a fact, is that Nina Dobrev(Vampire Diaries) will be playing Candace.

Also on the cast list are Paul Rudd, Mae Whitman and Johnny Simmons.

Who else is really excited for this movie?

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