Tuesday, April 5, 2011



Spring Advertising Special On Sale Now!

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 05:59 PM PDT

Here we go! If you’ve been waiting for a great deal on advertising for your Etsy shop, here it is.

The “etsy shop only” ad block a little lower down on the right side of the page has been cleared and the spaces are now available for purchase!

This is what the $30 Special ads look like.

$30.00 buys you three months of advertising on Everything Etsy!

These spaces usually sell out fast, so head to our new Advertising Page right now to buy your spot.

This special of only $10.00 per month is for Etsy Shops only.

We’re also running a sale on larger ad sizes that promote your business in a big way! Our medium and premium ad spaces are open to any websites and suppliers (Etsy shops too, of course!). This is a great opportunity to get your message out to people who love handmade!

Click Here to See All Options

It’s always so exciting to find new shops and get to know more Etsypreneurs when we do this ad special. Good luck!


Update: The 100×100 ads are sold out, but there are other specials available for even more exposure.

——- Get Ad Special Notifications By Email ——-

If you aren’t ready, or miss out on this go-round, you can sign-up to be notified when we do this all again in three months. Just use the form below:

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