Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Peace Deluxe USA Release

Well, the December 7th US release date for Peace Deluxe has come and gone. I know that many people in different countries are having a difficult time finding Peace Deluxe. As you know from prior posts, we ordered ours from HMV in Japan. But we wondered if the rest of America would be able to buy it starting yesterday.

We went to Borders Bookstore (which always carries Libera) and Barnes & Noble Bookstore last night. I didn't think we'd find a huge Libera display, but there's NO Peace Deluxe in sight! We had employees of each store look it up. It's nowhere in their systems! Nothing at BestBuy either. The B&N guy said it looks like it's available only through 

The US and Canada Amazon sites both show Peace Deluxe as "Temporarily Out of Stock." When you go to Libera's Facebook page and click on Peace Deluxe, orders through the US or Canada Amazon send you directly to

So here is a compilation of sites we know carry Peace Deluxe -

USA            Amazon                   $16.98              Release date Feb. 15, 2011  link

Canada              $18.99              Release date Feb. 15, 2011  link

UK*             12.99 BPS       In Stock  link *
                   HMV                          12.99 BPS       In Stock  link

France       VirginMega                9.99 Euros     Appears to be In Stock  link 
                   FNAC                         9.99 Euros     Appears to be In Stock  link
                           Currently unavailable   link

Germany              27.98 Euros     In Stock  link
                               24.99 Euros     In Stock  link

Italy            Space1999records   16.10 Euros     Backordered  link 

Japan               3372 Yen         In Stock  link 
                              2698 Yen         In Stock  link

So. Korea     YesAsia                   $21.99              In Stock  link

Singapore    HMV Citylink Store    ?                   Someone bought it there

*by ordering through this particular link to, Libera gets a percentage of the sale.

To get the Japanese green Peace Deluxe - New Edition with the extra Japan video footage -

Japan only          2809 Yen         In Stock  link
                           3500 Yen         In Stock  link
                               3500 Yen         In Stock  link 

If anyone knows of any other places to find Peace Deluxe, please let us know.  :)

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