Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Softies to Sing About… {Soft Cuddles}

Posted: 14 Dec 2010 10:23 PM PST


Isn't this little guy the cutest thing ?!  I won him from Soft Cuddles!

This shop is loaded with softies that have personality like you wouldn't believe…I want to hug them all!

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Check out this great shop or stop by Eve's blog and read about her creations.

She is in the UK and is offering free shipping worldwide right now…WOW!

I just had to share my good new with all of you!  :)   I hope everyone is ready for wonderful holiday time with your family and friends!  I still have a ton to do around here, but it's all good!

I'd love to know about your favorite holiday traditions!  We make a ton of gifts and always open them on Christmas.  I know some people celebrate on Christmas Eve.  We also have an awesome Lego Advent Calendar that has become a tradition.  My son looks forward to it every year.  I love making cookies with my boys {and eating them}.  I could go on and on…I love this time of year!

So, tell me about your holiday traditions!


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