Friday, December 10, 2010

Update from Libera on Peace Deluxe

Libera knows about the current shortage of Peace Deluxe. They posted on their blog this morning:

"Apologies to our US supporters who were expecting Peace: Deluxe Edition to be available this week. Due to some logistical issues EMI tell us that the release has been delayed. You should see it becoming available at and the like from next week.

In the meantime we understand that does ship to the USA and that some of our American supporters have had good experiences."

Everyone I've heard of has gotten their Amazon UK order VERY quickly, so for now click on the link in the post from Aug. 8th to order.

I think a lot of people in the Philippines keep asking for it to be sold IN their country, because they don't have credit cards to order it from Amazon UK. They need some smart business person to buy 1,000 CD's from the UK and sell them at a store. They could make quite a profit.  :) 

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