Saturday, July 9, 2011

Holiday Sales On Etsy

Holiday Sales On Etsy

Holiday Sales On Etsy

Posted: 09 Jul 2011 06:46 AM PDT


Get Ready!

You read the title of this post right…I'm talking about the holidays already! Do you want to be prepared for the holiday rush this year?  Are you hoping to increase your sales over last year?

  • Stock up your shop with a great selection by planning ahead.  Get started on a new holiday line.  It's time to get to it!
  • Bundle up great gifts and have them ready to ship.  You'll be happy you did!
  • Are you looking for wholesale orders?  Promote sets that are ready to ship at discounted prices.  Gift shops are planning now and you want them to find you prepared to sell!
  • Did you know magazines are finishing up their holiday publications this time of year?  List your items on Etsy with seasonal tags to make your items easy to find.
  • If you don't want the first page of your shop to only feature the new holiday items your listing, just move them to another page with the Rearrange Your Shop tool.
  • Stock up on your supplies for custom items to avoid running out and missing out on a sale.
  • Think about adding your gift wrapping and shipping options to your product information so people don't have to ask you.

Planning now can save you time and stress when the holiday season is in full swing. I know from experience that selling items in stock and ready to ship makes me feel wonderful.  I enjoy making items when I'm not under time pressures, so that works!

Let's plan for a super successful, fabulous holiday season full handmade gift giving!:)

Do you have any tips for holiday sales?  Have you learned any lessons the hard way??


Happy 4th of July

Posted: 04 Jul 2011 05:53 AM PDT


Happy 4th of July to all our readers here in the United States!  I hope you have a fabulous day full of food and fireworks!  Since I have two teen boys, that means we need to have an ginormous amount of both of those around here…ha!

Have fun!


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