Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pictures from Manila M&G

Libera just tweeted, "GR8 day yesterday - Live to 20M ppl on ASAP Rocks @ lunchtime; SM Mall signing at tea time; cultural exchange at dinner time." Way to keep it under 140 characters! lol

Then they posted on Facebook, "We have had a marvellous day today. Live TV to 20 million peolpe on ASAP Rocks at lunchtime; SM Mall signing at tea time; cultural exchange at dinner time. Thank you to the many people who purchased our album today - we hope you like it." 20 million people saw them?!?! That should help to get The Christmas Album to #1 in the Philippines! :D

The Liberians Philippines blog has an excellent write-up and some great pictures from their exciting day at the Meet & Greet. You can read the blog and see so many more of their pictures here. They did a video, so we'll be watching for that! Here are a few of my favorite pics! And congratulations on getting to meet Libera! :D
Nice banner at the mall entrance.

Love this overhead view!

Can't wait to get this!

The table where you buy the CD's.

Each buyer gets a free poster, too! :D

Turned out only 300 people got to go through the M&G line.

People watching from the 2nd, 3rd & 4th floors!

People with numbers 1-300 got seats. Lots of other spectators!

The Madine brothers - Josh and Matt. :D

I <3 Cassius's signature! - Ca$$
And what does it say in blue? "My name is MiD" and they drew a little person? :D

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