Friday, October 28, 2011

Buttons, Ribbon & More…Craft Supply Love!

Buttons, Ribbon & More…Craft Supply Love!

Buttons, Ribbon & More…Craft Supply Love!

Posted: 28 Oct 2011 05:16 AM PDT

205678150_pf1jT1ev_c {Madame Cupcake}

Craft supplies are beautiful and when you put them on display!  All white buttons in a vintage candy machine is enough to make me yell for everyone in the house to come take a look.  But, I do live in a house full of boys so they wouldn't understand. 

Seriously, who wouldn't want this??  I love it!

67100554_DzHESM2A_c{Country Living}

Just about anything can be used to display supplies, right down to the tiny ones.  This is a cool way to use old spoons that don't match or were lost in a drawer.  Cute!

I recently bought some tiny clothespins and added a bit of embroidery thread to them.  I've only wrapped three or four so far…it's a time consuming project!

227133706_nfYuN1jh_c{Such Pretty Things}

Beautiful thread on vintage spools…so pretty!


I ran across these buttons on Pinterest and I had to share them with you.  I could add these to every project of mine for a year and not get tired of them. 

These are amazing and I really need a giant glass jar full of them.  Is there a craft fairy that could help me with that? 


Visit Mamie Jane's to see the booth display she is working on right now.  These are paint sticks with ribbon and trim wound around and pinned.  It's so creative and a great way to keep them organized!

115331919_0GE7rTUL_c {Country Living}

Oh my, lots and lots of beautiful white buttons!

Sometimes I find supplies that are almost too pretty to use and it helps to just display them for awhile until the right project comes along.  I have a craft supply thing, for sure!

Do you have any of your craft supplies displayed?  What are some of your favorites? 


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