Friday, October 7, 2011

Christmas Promo Pics

We already saw this cute picture from an online article about the Manila concert. But thanks to Bullehynka, it is now high resolution and amazingly clear! She's the one who should be doing Libera's UK posters. :D And now there are more pictures from the photo shoot!

First there is this picture from Your Local Guardian in the UK. Thanks to Yuki for the link and to Bullehynka for making it high res! It looks like Eoghan, Jakob, Jude, Dylan and Kavana are doing the jump picture from High School Musical. :D The article has an interview with Mr. Philipp (Ben's dad), Kavana and Henry who says it was funny recording a Christmas album and taking pictures for it in the middle of the summer. Libera is hoping that the album hits #1 on the Christmas charts! I hope so, too! :)

There are even more pictures from the photo shoot on EMI's German web site. Thanks to Yuni for the link and to Bullehynka for making them high resolution.

Matthew, Cassius, Eoghan

Henry, Freddie, MJ, Jude

Jude, Eoghan, Jakob, Kavana, Dylan

Dylan, Kavana, Dylan, Jakob, Jude

Seriously, click on these pictures. You can see them clearer than if you met them in person! lol.

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