Monday, October 24, 2011

More Manila M&G Pics

Enyu has posted some great Manila Meet & Greet pictures on her blog here. It's in Korean, but if you click on the pink words, you can see separate photo albums. I love the Barney pictures. She said he looked so amazed and was looking all around and taking pictures of everything. There's also a cute section on Liam & Isaac and Ralph & Eoghan. Remember, if you copy and repost any pictures, please give the photographer credit. Here's a sample...

The cutest picture of Isaac!

Two heart-throbs - Ralph & Eoghan!

The "Jonathan Barrington Fans and Supporters" Facebook page has posted some great Manila M&G pics also. You can see all 41 of them here. Thank you to Yuni for the link! :)

Here are just a few...

JB is 1st cause it's his fan page! lol



Isaac doing such a good job with his signature!





Josh & Matt

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