Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Libera on Manila TV News

The Children's Hour donation ceremony was covered by GMA News in the Philippines. Thank you to Jimmy Riddle for finding this news video and to Inna for posting it to YouTube! :)

It shows the boys arriving and talking to the Filipino kids. They are so cute! Then they show some of the interview. 

Kavana: I think it's great that what we do is what we love. And then what we do is put to such great cause with changing lives, with building schools, building playgrounds. I think that to do that and to be called an Ambassador of Goodwill is just such a privilege.

I think they ask them what Filipino delicacies they like, and Liam, Ralph and Kavana agree "mangoes." lol.

Then we see part of the video of Libera's 2009 performance of "Bayan Ko." A few people in the Pines have seen that, but most of us haven't. Wish that were part of a bonus DVD in the future. :)

This is another article about it on PEP. The best part is they say Michael is "cute as a button." :D

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