Saturday, November 12, 2011

Organizing with a Vintage Flair!

Organizing with a Vintage Flair!

Organizing with a Vintage Flair!

Posted: 11 Nov 2011 10:02 PM PST


I thought we could start the week off with a little inspiration!

Do you know what you want your art studio, craft area, closet, or whatever you have, to look like? Have you taken the time to search the internet and magazines to find the inspiration for your space? It can be hard to stay focused without a goal in mind!

I know I find myself dreaming about the same style of studio over and over again. Of course I want it to be organized and functional for every craft idea I come up with, but I REALLY want it to be beautiful! I don’t care if it’s a closet or an attic! I crave the inspiration that comes from sitting in a space that makes me feel creative and happy.

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I found some beautiful examples of organizing with a vintage flair! Don’t these tins and jars look fabulous grouped together like this?

Why run out and buy new storage containers when you can find some with such character and charm? Of course it might take a little more time to find just the right items for your space, but it’s worth it.

If you stay focused on the end result, It’ll be easier to shop. I know I get distracted while shopping…have a plan! Don’t buy that plastic bin on sale if your dream is to have wire baskets!

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Vintage suitcases are one of my favorite things. I don’t even know how that happened. Maybe it’s my love of travel, or the thought of far away cities the suitcase may have visited over the years. For whatever reason, I adore them and you’ll find photos of them over here on a regular basis.

They’re a great storage option for those items you don’t want to see all the time. {I have my share of those!}


This beautiful area isn’t the kind that can be set up in a day. It takes a little planning to have something so organized with a personal feel. You can include your favorite items from around the house for the final touch, but you need to plan out the basics. If you take a good look at this photo, you’ll see the basics aren’t that hard to find.

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Sometimes just a touch of vintage charm can change the look of your area. Finding tins for storage and yardsticks for frames can be as easy as visiting your attic…or grandma’s attic!

Decorating with vintage stuff can be CHEAP!

So, stop and make a plan before you hit the stores looking for sales on the latest and greatest organizational options. Sometimes they just take old ideas and repackage them. What’s old is new again, right?

I hate to organize only to reorganize it later on. Taking time to figure out what you LOVE can help you organize right the first time!

What style do you love? Modern? Vintage? Shabby Chic?


photos:Design Sponge, bhg,countryliving

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