Monday, November 7, 2011

21 Ways to Increase Your Etsy Sales

21 Ways to Increase Your Etsy Sales

21 Ways to Increase Your Etsy Sales

Posted: 07 Nov 2011 12:04 PM PST


Are you looking to increase your sales?  That's a funny question, right?  I know everyone would love to have 5 extra sales this week!

I've compiled a list of tips that I hope will help you get off to a great start or improve your sales.  It's not rocket science, but you do have to spend a little time on your shop to see those big results! 

Here are a few tips to get you thinking…

1.  Review Your Shop – Take a step back and really look at your shop from a shopper's perspective.  Can you find the products easily using your categories?  Do you have enough items or options to keep a buyer interested? If you sell knit hats, maybe add some sets including mittens or headbands.  Make it easy for them to create great gifts for holidays.

2.  Know Your Market – Who is going to want what you sell?  Focus on who your buyers are and promote directly to them to grow your customers with less effort.   If you have a super slim group of folks that would even want or need what you're selling…be ready to wait a bit longer for those sales.  Specializing is great, just don't get carried away.  Cast a wide net and then bring it in…ever hear of that?

3.  Photography -  Show your products in the best light!  Take multiple shots of each item and edit them to stand out in a crowd…not blend.  It's easy to use free software like for photo editing. You might want to check out How To Photograph Your Work for Sale on Etsy for more photography tips.

4.  Great Descriptions -  Describe it with feeling!  Great descriptions can really nudge a browsing shopper to hit the "buy" button.  Be descriptive with your words and give them ideas for displaying or using your product.  Explain why they would want to purchase this from your shop.  Maybe you use all natural ingredients for your soap, or you raise the sheep to create your wool.  People love stories…give them one!

5.  Product Selection -  How's your selection?  Keep it simple…shops that are full of similar products tend to do the best.  You want them to remember your shop for bags, pottery or greeting cards.  Make products that you love and others will love them too!

6.  Research -  What works for others?  Are there shops on Etsy that sell items like yours?  Do they offer special color selections or sets that might attract buyers? Researching what works for other shops doesn't mean copying what they sell, you just need to have an idea of what sells.  Take the time to research what tags are used and the prices…you won't regret it!

7.  Stock Up -  Do you like to shop in stores with only 10 products to choose from?  No, of course you don't.  Expand your selection based on what sells the most.  Create multiple colors of that items and list them or try a slightly different design.  Read Increasing Etsy Sales – Mind Your Item Count for more information.

8.  Price it Right!  There are many ways to determine the price of an item, but the bottom line is that you have to come up with a price that works for you and the buyer.  I've priced items low in the past and then increased them slightly until I found the best price.  You can also try including free shipping or discounts for multiple orders.

9.  Show your Cards – Business cards are a cheap way to reach new customers.  Hand them out to everyone you know…give them a few to share.  Add extra cards to each order.  Mail them to family with a note about what your selling.  They can't buy from you if they don't know what you're selling! {13 Creative Business Cards}

10.  Giveaways – Promoting your shop with a blog giveaway is a great way to introduce your shop or a new product.  Don't be afraid to approach bloggers about doing a giveaway on their blog.  Some might charge, but others will be glad to promote your shop in exchange for a product for them to review.  You'll also receive links to your shop…don't underestimate those links!!  This is a great way to grow your shop, but it doesn't always equal immediate sales so keep that in mind.

11.  Great Customer Service – Make each sale count and get a repeat customer with great customer service.  Send emails to confirm their custom color selections, have a friendly return policy and always answer their convos quickly.   Show them that shopping on Etsy is so much better than going to the store for their next gift.

12.  Package it Up – The packaging is the first thing they see when your they open your box or envelope.  Make it count…first impressions are big!  I usually  add a colorful bow and a small thank you gift, but over time you'll find out what works best for you.  A small gesture of appreciation can give you great results…try it.

13.  Give a Discount for Referrals – Giving a buyer a discount or free shipping on their next order could be that extra incentive they need to spread the word about your awesome shop.  Try a few different ideas and see what gives you the most referrals.

14.  Blogs – A blog can really help you promote your shop!!!  Have a blog already?  Great, just make sure to spend time each week growing your blog.  Blog about your products, favorite recipes, how to make your products, great new products in your shop…whatever.

Once you get the hang of blogging you'll find it to be a valuable tool for your Etsy business.  {Compare WordPress & Blogger for your business.} Oh, and don't forget to add your Etsy mini to the sidebar!

15.  Use Facebook – Facebook is a great way to easily tell your friends, family and past customers what's new in your shop.  Connect your Etsy shop to your page for easy shopping.

16.  Twitter – Twitter is a fun way to spread the word about your products and meet new people.  Just be sure to tweet about other things too.  Tweeting about ONLY your shop and products might not give you the response you want.

Grow your followers by following people with the same interests.  Most of them will follow you back and might even take a peek at your shop.

17.  Go Team! – Join teams on Etsy!  It's a great way to get tips on selling and promote your shop.  Try a few and be active in promoting other members.  We have a team for Etsypreneurs like you…check it out!

18.  Treasuries – Treasuries are a fun way to get your shop noticed and share beautiful items you've found through teams or by search on Etsy.  If your item is included in a treasury that makes it to the front page you will be shocked at the traffic you get…shocked!

19.  Comment on Blogs -  Visiting blogs and leaving thoughtful comments can lead someone right back to your shop by clicking on your name in the comment.  This works, but you'll want to avoid being "spammy" by leaving links to your shop in the comment {unless they ask for links}.  Try commenting on 5-10 blogs a day!

20.  Keep Improving – Sales can go up and down for no reason at all…stay positive during slow times and work on your stock and photos.  Get creative and try a new idea or two.  Think ahead to upcoming holidays and start planning for huge sales!

You might enjoy this infographic…How To Build An Online Empire Starting With Etsy!

21.  Have fun with it? Your creativity shines through when you're enjoying your work.  Don't get caught up in what you're not doing, just take it one step at a time.

Are you still reading??  I can go on and on about this! {obviously}

Etsy is a wonderful place to sell your beautiful handmade products!  You can't beat waking up to sales in your shop or working on your next new product while watching a movie on a rainy day.  This is my kind of business!

These are just a handful of ideas to keep your shop growing…care to share a tip of yours???


Visit our section on Etsy Business for more tips and information to help you grow your shop!  Etsy rocks!

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