Sunday, November 21, 2010

Eternal Light SOP Video!

Eternal Light has a video! YAY! Wow...Stefan's voice is AMAZING! So beautiful and clear! The song was performed for the "Songs of Praise" TV show, and the program that day was about British movie producer J. Arthur Rank, which explains the movie theme. The beginning is really cool fading from the movie reel with Stefan in it to the clear picture of him. He and Ralph sound really good together! Another amazing duo for Libera!

The video then fades to a movie setup where all the boys are working. Who's the poor kid sweeping the floor on the right?  :)

Cassius is getting his makeup put on, Daniel and Kavana are goofing off with the camera, (their faces coming around the side gave me a good laugh) and someone is explaining what to do to Ralph, Carlos, and Freddie. You can see Josh in the background!

Then we have the red ballerina slippers, which I didn't understand at first, but the post under the video says it is a reference to one of the movies that J. Arthur Rank produced called "The Red Shoes." Next we see Jakob laughing (I love that part, too).

Then some of the boys are standing around and talking and - thank you Libera for giving all of your fans what they wanted to see - Tom Cully!  :)

Then more references to "The Red Shoes" and I'm guessing another movie having to do with the old magazine Stefan is reading. And then we go to the beautiful panning view of all of the Libera boys singing with Stefan and Ralph on either side. Cassius and Kavana seem to be singing the high parts at 2:13. This video also did a very good job of showing us the boys I didn't get to meet in the US. 
                                            Sere is the littler brother.

                                            Mine is the older brother.

                                 Dylan is the little newbie in the middle!

                            Barney is the newbie in front of smiley Daniel!

                                All in all, a beautiful video! Thanks boys!

Left to right: Sam, Tiarnan, Liam, Josh, Sere, Luke, Barney, Daniel, Stefan, Freddie, Dylan, Matthew J., Kavana, Mini James, Cassius, Ralph, Mine, Sammy, Carlos, Henry, Matthew R-A, Jonathan, Alex, Jakob and Ben.

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