Monday, July 11, 2011

Libera Blog "Preparing for a Tour"

New Libera Blog! You can read it here. Aren't you dying to know which boy wrote this?! As always, it's really well-written and funny! :)

Getting ready for a tour sounds like a lot of work. I'm noticing the word "perfect" in there a lot. It's amazing they have rehearsals that last all day. Good thing they get lots of breaks. And even Libera boys practice singing in the shower! lol. (Yeah, I sing in the shower, too.) Love the line, "and my parents show their appreciation by telling me to be quiet as they’re watching T.V." Must be a loud singer. :D

I still can't get over the fact that they practice the choreography blindfolded! Well, we fans appreciate all that practicing. It really shows in how great their concerts are! "And hopefully for you lot, the interval won’t last longer than the show!" Ha! Well, the show does flyyyy by, but only because we're loving every minute of it! :)

Good luck with the packing! It's a long tour to pack for, and it's hard to remember everything. Can't imagine that someone wouldn't forget something. lol. Oooh, don't forget sunscreen! And short sleeves! It's HOT!!! :p

I'm glad Libera always seems to have so much fun on the tours. Hope they have an awesome time in the US! Can't wait!!!!! It's less than 2 weeks until the Starkey Gala in St. Paul! Have a safe trip and see you soon!

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