This is a video of Libera singing "How Can I Keep From Singing?" in the Dallas morning service put up by Pax Tecum from the French forum. Sammy is singing the solo. Wow! It's just beautiful!
And this is a video of "Sanctus" from the same service. Sounds amazing! Stefan soaring on the high notes!
Fan_de_LoK posted that there are 22 boys - Cassius, Mini James, Henry, Stefan, Kavana, Ralph, Alex, Tiarnan, Sam, Josh (happy, happy, happy!), Jonathan, Liam, Jakob, Mini Ben, Sammy, Daniel, Carlos, James T., Luke, Matthew A-R, a newbie named Matthew Jansen and Freddie! There were supposed to be 24, but Chix posted on Libera Dreams that she confirmed with Callum there are 22 on this trip.
And Fiona is there playing her violin! How cool is that?!!!!
David on, once again, the French fan forum (are they the best or what?) posted the whole morning church service at I'm watching it now! :)
It's funny how, no matter what's going on in church that day, some people just HAVE to sit in the back. Libera is there! What are you people doing?! Ha! In our church we joke that we all have assigned seats with our family names engraved on the sides of the pews. Nobody ever moves. Heaven help the visitor who ruins it all. :)
During the opening part you can see a few wiggles and yawns. So cute! Nice to see them all singing along with the congregation. And, hey, guys, you're supposed to close your eyes during prayer. lol Nice close-up of Mr. Prizeman going to the piano. Mini Ben leads everyone out from their seats in the choir loft to sing, and he floats like an angel walking on clouds. Seriously!
"How Can I Keep From Singing?" was just WOW! Sammy did such a great job on the solo, and they sound JUST THE SAME as on their albums! Oh those high notes!
The pastor is speaking now with Fiona sitting behind him holding her violin. She probably doesn't realize she's being filmed the whole time. But she has very good stage presence.
Nice church service. The guys were all VERY still while telling about the Lord's Supper. Can I just say that I am also very thankful that Jesus died on the cross for my sins, and that because I have accepted Him into my heart as my Saviour, I know I'm going to heaven someday.
"Sanctus" was beautiful! Can't tell who sang the last "sanctus" part. Little extra breath at the end, but keepin' it all positive and happy here! Loved it! Then when the service ends they file out...probably to get lunch. :)
Also happy to read from Geozed that people were "dressed chic" for church. Go USA!
Concert details from Patrick & Geozed at French forum:
1. Adoramus (solo - Stefan & Luke)
2. Speech by Freddie - likeable, lots of applause for speeches
3. Time (Josh+Ralph+Alex sang Josh's part; Mini Ben+Ralph+Alex sang Mini Ben's part)
4. Sanctus (Stefan on sanctus)
5. Sanctissima (Sammy)
6. Speech by Kavana - he acted like the choir director having the guys demonstrate the different voices in
the choir, big applause cause he's so animated!
7. Ave Verum (Carlos & Matthew R-A)
8. Far Away (Ralph - very good)
9. Salva Me (Stefan)
10. Speech by Mini Ben - he told about their long detour home after Spring Tour and thanked people for
coming from as far away as Canada, France, Japan, Mexico and...Waco (which is like 100 miles
away. Ha!).
11. Agnus Dei (Alex)
12. Exultate (Stefan)
Intermission - Jonathan did not sing during the 2nd half ???
13. Mysterium (surprise - Ralph sings first then Stefan & alternate)
14. Gloria
15. Speech by Freddie again! - explaining robes, hoods and such
16. The Fountain (Ralph - very good, Mr. Prizeman used grand piano for next 4 songs)
Henry coughed a lot and left the stage after this song but came back later.
17. How Can I Keep From Singing (Sammy)
18. When A Knight Won His Spurs (Ralph)
19. Love and Mercy (solo - Mini James then duet with Freddie)
20. Speech by Josh - how his voice has changed slowly from age 9 when he started with Libera
to now at age 15.
21. Deep Peace - (Stefan)
22. Stay With Me - (Daniel with Ralph, Matthew R-A on high part)
23. Going Home - Patrick's favorite of the night (Sammy sang Josh's part from Leiden DVD, Daniel sang
Mini Ben's part and Alex sang Tom's part)
24. Speech by Cassius - last song, thank you for coming
25. How Shall I Sing That Majesty (Stefan & Jakob)
26. Encore: Libera (Stefan & Ralph)
Patrick also noted that the church was PACKED. They had to do the Texas Squeeze to fit more people in the pews, and they added more chairs also.
Libera's Facebook posting again at 2:00 a.m. or so that morning:
Fantastic concert in Preston Hollow to a packed church. Thank you so much to everyone who came to see us - from Japan, Canada, France and even Waco....
This is a video of the Dallas Meet & Greet:
More to come....
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