Thursday, August 12, 2010

Atlanta Concert Photos

These are pictures I took at the Atlanta concert. At the Meet & Greet I didn't bother taking individual pics again since the guys hadn't changed much in 2 days. lol  So I concentrated on group pics and just getting to talk to them more. It was sooo fun!

Excellent concert poster that the church designed and printed.

Concert program also designed by the church. It has a picture of each boy, and they photoshopped
 Matthew Jansen's pic so he looks like he has a white robe on also.

Front of the church before the concert. Piano is on the left, organ back left, Fiona played back right,
string quartet far right and Mr. Prizeman directed to my close right.

The audience. You can see Audrey in the center. She was the one at the Crystal Cathedral concert who got to go up on stage and meet the guys. We met her and her family while waiting in line before the concert and told her she is famous! Our moms took pictures of us together. They are super nice!

Other side of the audience.


Line for the Meet & Greet.

The line starts to move!

Luke, Cassius, Matthew Jansen & Henry
Don't they look like they are having fun?!

Matthew and Freddie

Mini James and Daniel

Kavana, Mini James and Daniel's hand drawings

Ralph and Sam

Carlos, Stefan, JT and Ralph
Sorry Ralph's eyes are closed, but I have other great pics of him. :)

Jakob & Tiarnan

Ben & Josh
 I challenge anyone to take a better picture than this!  :)

Jonathan & Liam

Sammy & Alex

 End of the line. I love this pic! There is so much going on. The Japanese girls taking pics. The police officer we talked to at the beginning of the M&G who apparently is now a Libera fan! lol  Someone, I think Jonathan, sticking his feet out from under the table. Sammy watching it all happen. Kavana, Mini James and Daniel still drawing on their hands. Callum standing in the back. And all the little ones on the right goofing off and talking to a church employee we met earlier in the day. Hilarious!  :)

And we do, too!

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