Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bristol Concert Pictures

There was no Meet & Greet after the Bristol concert, but we do have a few pictures. Thank you to Bullehynka from the French forum for sharing her great photos! If you copy, please credit the photographer.

Great panorama shot! Wow! Click on it for a better view!

Alex, Tiarnan, Sam, Josh, Jonathan, Liam, Jakob & Ben

And many thanks to Fan de LoK from the French forum for sharing his many excellent pics with us!  :)

Mini James, Cassius, Henry, Sere, Alex & Kavana.
Ben, Tiarnan, Daniel, Sam, Ralph & Josh.

Cute smiles!  :D

More cuteness!

Stefan, Jonathan, Sammy, Liam, Mine, Jakob & Luke.
Stefan & Liam are looking right at the camera!

Matthew R-A, Carlos, Matthew J, newbie 1, Freddie & newbie 2.

Thank you for this great one of Josh, Fan de LoK!
Only way it could be better is if he were looking at the camera!  :)


In the center is a newbie named Barney! More dimples!  :)

The other newbie - Dylan.

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