Friday, July 9, 2010


URGENT!  The Dallas and Fort Worth church websites show that their concerts have been postponed!  ???

I am confused here. The Dallas church's website has removed the Libera poster from their main page. The concert is also not listed on their church calendar. Under "Worship & Music - Music Ministry - Concerts at PHPC" it says "Rescheduling" for the date. But when you click on "Libera In Concert," it shows the original poster with the July 27 date again.

The Fort Worth church's website says "Concert Postponed" with the date crossed out on the poster and "Please check back for more details in the coming days."

St. Louis, Nashville and Atlanta appear to be unchanged.

I will try to reach someone in the Dallas and Ft. Worth church offices. Often church offices are closed on Saturdays and sometimes they don't even answer their phones on Sundays.

I'm freaked because we ALMOST bought plane tickets to Dallas last night! I'm very concerned for other people who may have already done so.

Clearly something has happened on Libera's end. Perhaps it was a problem getting a flight from London to Dallas. Maybe they want to go someplace else first. Hopefully no one is ill.  ???  Will post when I know anything.

The only way they can make this up to me is to bring Josh.  :p

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